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Tag: Ri-Costruire

In his greetings, “The Ri-Costruire exhibition,” explains the president of Longarone Fiere Dolomiti, Gian Angelo Bellati, “is an opportunity not to promote further cementing, but to promote reconstruction, renovation, and the use of renewable energy and sustainable materials. The building sector, in fact, is fully involved and requires, as Giancarlo Caratti emphasised yesterday, close cooperation […]

CUP il lavoro sicuro nell edilizia
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Longarone Fiere Dolomiti President Gian Angelo Bellati welcomed the event, emphasising that “the exhibition dedicated to the world of construction and sustainability has not been cancelled but only postponed to April because of the pandemic situation”. Bellati went on to point out that “the initiative launched by the European Commission is intended to help the […]

Transizione green e digitale
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This year Ri-Costruire Virtual wants to be much more than a virtual exhibition, but a real showcase for companies and professionals. In anticipation of the trade fair to be held in April, from Friday 8 to Sunday 10, Longarone Fiere Dolomiti will be hosting an event that is part of the European context of the […]

Presentate oggi Ri-Costruire e Arte in Fiera
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