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Tag: European project

The European project DIGITOUR of which Longarone Fiere Dolomiti is the Italian partner together with the Venetian Cluster, will provide € 50,000 of direct European funding in the form of vouchers to companies in the area, to give technical support, ongoing assessment, and free tutoring in the development of your digital business project. The first […]

Istruzioni questionario progetto europeo digitour
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Today, 20th December 2021, Longarone Fiere Dolomiti together with 10 partnering organisations in total, representing 8 European countries, have entered into consortium agreement, based on the signed Grand Agreement, accepting to participate in the project “Boosting the tourism sector in Europe through digital tools and innovation – DIGITOUR (101038133)”, funded through The Executive Agency for […]

tre cime lavaredo
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